Lemon Coconut Ice


This is a quintessentially British food stuff and so easy to make.

Although normally it would be 2 colours of white and pink coconut ice.

There is a history of how coconut ice came to be, but as yet I haven’t been able to locate it and add to the blog.

The coconut ice itself consists of 3 vital ingredients, coconut, icing sugar and I use lacto free cream, as I can’t use the condensed milk in recipes, due to my dairy allergy, it isn’t as sweet, but the intensity of flavour makes all the difference.

My coconut ice is different in the fact I use fresh lemon juice to give the coconut ice a certain punch and a wow factor plus on occasion I have also used lemon zest to add colour to the coconut ice. It isn’t as sweet as those bought in shops by the seaside, it is fresh, exciting and new.

I have also made a lime coconut ice which is lovely and also a favourite of mine, which I haven’t seen anywhere else.

I love the new flavours and hope to make an apricot coconut ice plus possibly a cherry or possibly a pear during 2014.

I can now reveal that I have made a cherry coconut ice, which is a revelation. I’m surprised that no one else has even considered making this variety of coconut ice. It’s quite subtle and not as sweet as I first imagined and really quite understated but delicious.

Published by Amanda

I have multiple allergies, including dairy/soya which are acute, as are palm and rapeseed oil, also lactose. It makes life interesting

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